
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

All logos are important

We made a big poster with the name of our project with all the logos that participate. They will be part of our project because you did a really good job and we'd like to appreciate them. Thanks for your help.


Now you can choose our internacional logo. The winner logo will be the logo that is going to represent our project " My country, your country" in the next two years. You can link here to choose your favourite logo for the project.  CHOOSE OUR LOGO Hurry up!! Do it now...the election will finish the 30th October.


 On 15th October we chose our favourite logos and we sent them by email to the others countries. We chose our logos with the app www.plickers.com And pupils of grade 2,3,4 and two classes of grade 6, said the most popular logos to send them. At the bottom of the blog, you can see the 3 logos that children chose. I hope you like it, because we love them.


Logos are ready. We are going to decide which is the most representative 3 logos with our project "My country, your country". We will send these 3 logos on 15th October. Each country will send 3 logos this day too. Finally, we will decide which logo represent our project during 2 years. Teachers had choosen 12 logos and now it's children time. They are going to choose our 3 logos with the plickers app on Monday 14th of October.  Good luck!!!


Some pupils of grade 6 have gone to the town hall and they met with the major of our town. Mr Jose Ramón. They read an text in which the pupils said that they need his help with the project to communicate everyone that the project is ready and if it's possible to link a banner in the town hall website with the website of our project. On the other hand, they said that on April or May some pupils of our partners schools from Slovakia, Turkey, Italy and Hungary, are going to visit our city and our country, and these days we obviously will need his help again. The major was agree with the iniciative of the project and he promised that he helped in everything that we needed during these 2 years. We'd like to appreciate his support and the support of his team too.


These are the pupils that are going to travel to Hungary on 25th to 29th of November in the first mobility of our project. The selection of them was a raffle on the 9th of October at 14h. In this raffle, The parents that were agree with the conditions of the mobility , participated in the raffle. And one of the pupils of the grade 5 picked 5 papers up with the names of the winners. The others papers will be selected on the next mobility in a new raffle. 1.- Mora Cabrera, Laura 2.- Whitehead Castro, Hannah 3.- Rivas Roldán, Aitana 4.- Torres Moll, Sergio 5.- Gómez Santos, Gisela Congratulation!!! and don't worry with the others pupils, you will go in the next Mobility!!


We had a meeting on the 7th October with the families that are going to host pupils of other countries in their houses. Their kids are going to travel to another countries too. The families of grade 5 are agree with the idea and they show and entusiastic actitud with the project. The 9th of October we will celebrate the raffle to decide the pupils that are going to travel to Hungary in the First Mobility. We are nervious but at the same time we are really excited with this project and with the oportunity and the experience that our pupils are going to live.


You can find all the information about the logo design in this link.  OUR ERASMUS LOGO This project “My country, your country” has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The project is aimed at pupils aged 4 - 11 years. Education of pupils at primary schools between 4 - 12 ages is difficult while using classical methods - at classrooms, at desks with textbooks, by means  of memorizing and explanations. That is the reason why we all want to improve our educational  methods in more subjects - Geography, History, Literature, Art and foreign languages. We would like  to show to our younger students the look to other European countries with another way, not only to  learn about Europe at the desks, but to travel abroad personally or to meet peers from Europe in  virtual mobilities, videoconferences,... We want to motivate pupils to study independently, to search  for information about the countries of Europe, their geography, history, traditions on the Internet, to  acquire knowledge from presentations, quizzes, games, to create posters, collages and, in particular,  to create their own opinion on the lifestyle, cu...